What's On

Record a STORY

Summer 2022
Does a special older person in your life have a story to share?

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The Bucks Heroes Project at Discover Bucks Museum is launching a summer project for children, young people and adults who would like to find out and share stories or memories from their special older people in Bucks.


Does a special older person in your life have a story to share?

We are collecting stories that are passed down from one generation to another, with the hope that in sharing the stories we can spend more time together and also learn from one another.

Stories must be recorded as you talk to parents, aunties, uncles, grandparents and elders in the community who are over 60 years old. Stories could be in the form of poems or songs and could also include drawings, as long as they are submitted as written words. The original story does not need to be about/based in Bucks, but the older person needs to have been living in Bucks for at least two months prior to the point the story is recorded.

We have three categories available for submission:

  • 11 years old and under (up to 500 words)
  • 18 years old and under (up to 1000 words)
  • Adults (up to 2000 words)

Send your entries to us by post or email to Bucksheroes@discoverbucksmuseum.org by 5pm on the 5 of September 2022. All participants will be invited to bring their older people along to join us for a special celebratory afternoon to mark Silver Sunday on 2nd October 2022.

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