
We currently have 70 volunteers, most of whom look after the collections and support our curators. They help us fulfil our accreditation status with the Arts Council by looking after the collections to the high benchmark standards from the Collections Trust, adopted by the Arts Council.

Events Volunteers

We are keen to find volunteers who want to help with our varied onsite events and family programmes. Roles include stewarding craft activities or handling collection tables, meeting and greeting visitors and helping with set up and take down of events. Contact Victoria on visitorservices@discoverbucksmuseum.org if you are interested in applying for this role.

Discover Bucks New Gallery Stewards

Stewarding roles in our galleries to ensure our adults, families and schools have a great time. Contact Victoria at visitorservices@discoverbucksmuseum.org to find out more.

Schools Programme Volunteers

We are developing our learning programmes for schools around our new galleries and will be looking for volunteers to help support school visits, activities and preparation of materials. Contact 
learning@discoverbucksmuseum.org if you are interested.

Community Volunteers

We invite people from different backgrounds to join our Community Advisory Group and help us shape the Museum’s future and make big changes. We also welcome volunteers to join our Black History Group to provide on-going support in identifying and celebrating Black History in Bucks. Please contact the Community Outreach Officer on  community@discoverbucksmuseum.org if you are interested.

Join our passionate and enthusiastic supporters of the Museum.

Please help support us today.

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